Employee Learning Rules

Learning at Work (Experience) Routine work, challenging tasks, job rotation

Learning from others (relationships) Tutor, Career Planning, Initiative Consultation

Learning in Training (Education) Regular Training, Self-regulated Learning and Continuing Education

Career Planning

Through regular and irregular statistics, discussions, and individual interviews, TSIC comprehensively understands employees‘ skills and expertise, working conditions, ideological trends and career development aspirations, builds post and competency system, accurately divides employees' career development channels and stages, and realizes employees development path through the combination of horizontal allocation, vertical promotion and self-learning improvement. The path is to achieve the goal of making the best use of people's abilities and making the best use of them for common development.

Employee Training Program

New employee training: induction training, quality and environmental occupational health system training, safety training, on-site engineering training, job rotation learning

Departmental professional training, expert lecture hall, professional training for middle-level young cadres, promotion of academic qualifications, training and awards for personal registration qualification, foreign exchange and technical investigation, etc.

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