Awarding Project

Provincial and Municipal Awards in 2002
  • Tangshan iron and steel group co., LTD. Sintering plant technical renovation project
    National survey and design excellent engineering awards bronze.
  • Transformation project of furnace refining technology of TangSteel no. 1 steelmaking plant
    First prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering .
  • Taishan iron and steel corporation 60x104t/a supporting transformation project
    Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
  • TangSteel north coke oven gas south project
    Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
  • 1.2 million tons/year supporting steelmaking and continuous casting project of Zunhua Jianlong steel plant
    Second prize of Tangshan city survey and design outstanding engineering.
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